Friday, April 5, 2013

The New Boy in Nashville...

Lazer came last Saturday with some wonderful people from Cincinnati. They had room for 2 extras and said they would bring them to nashville. They had to go throuigh here anyway, so no problem. Black Oak Laser was one of two that came that wonderful day. A few of us met the van at 100 Oaks, walked all the hounds, got everyone going on to Cincinnati back on the van and said goodbye.

We proceded to Dizzy's for pictures and baths. Lazer is a fun boy. He has such an expressive face. Lou got some wonderful pictures of him. I have taken just a few pictures also. Whoever gets Lazer will have the best boy ever, besides my Hendrix, of course! I haven't had a real problem from him since he got here. He goes into his crate, eats his food, loves to be with you, ie. velcro to the max! He sleeps well at night. Roaches like a champ, too. What's not to love...

He is so cute!